PHOENIX, AZ, February 2, 2022 — Secretary of State Candidate Mark Finchem calls for Arizona to end participation in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). The call to cease participation is taken amid concerns raised by citizens, government watchdog groups, cybersecurity professionals, state elections officials from other states and credible media reports about potentially questionable funding sources that lack arms-lengthen separation from partisan actors who may have access to ERIC network data for political purposes. These circumstances undermine voter confidence in the election system, moreover, they ultimately translate into doubts about election integrity.
When Arizona joined ERIC, the former Secretary of State did so under the impression that it would be secure and that it would enhance the accuracy of our voter rolls, strengthening Arizona’s election system integrity. After learning of potential vulnerabilities, and the potential for partisan exploitation of the database, which drove close scrutiny of ERIC, it appears that participation may no longer be in the best interest of Arizona voters. “I support the investigation of any legitimate allegation of voter fraud or possible misuse of our voters’ personal information. The task of the Secretary of State is to ensure that the data voters have entrusted to the elections officials is secure and well protected. I have serious reservations that it is not.”
ERIC was founded in 2012 by seven states, including Colorado, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and the Pew Charitable Trusts. It has since grown to include 30 states and the District of Columbia. Arizona joined the organization in 2017. “A number of questions have arisen about access to data for uses other than its intended purpose, which is to keep voter rolls up to date, preventing one voter from voting multiple times. Every illegitimate vote nullifies another vote in opposition and put the thumb of inappropriate advantage on the scale of fairness.”
(The Gateway Pundit) Representative Mark Finchem Calls for Arizona to End Participation in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) Like Louisiana Just Did
“Will Arizona join Louisiana and stop using ERIC, the tool the far-left uses for voter registration drives that is disguised as a voter roll clean-up system? Arizona Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem is calling for the state to end its participation with the ERIC voter registration system. We reported a week ago on the ERIC system that is used across the country as a Democrat voter drive system that they claim is used to clean up voter rolls.”