The Pima County Election Integrity Hearing built another strong case for a stolen election in Arizona.
Following the Maricopa County full forensic 2020 Election audit, Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem is pushing to audit the entire state of Arizona.
The Gateway Pundit reported on the massive irregularities and outright fraud that was found in Maricopa County, and the pending criminal investigation by the Arizona Attorney General’s office.
On Monday, Rep. Mark Finchem was a key player in hosting another 2020 election hearing in Pima County, Arizona to discuss the anomalies, discrepancies, and reports of election fraud.
The panel members included State Senator Sonny Borrelli, Senator Wendy Rogers, Senator Kelly Townsend, State Rep. Mark Finchem, Rep. Leo Biasiucci, Rep. Theresa Martinez, Rep. Neal Carter, and Rep. Judy Burges.
The mission of this hearing is to “receive evidence and testimony that could serve to prove or disprove alleged discrepancies in the 2020 General Election.”
Liz Harrington shared the major key findings, including people that do not live where they voted from, “frat boys” averaging 45-years-old, Third World voter registration numbers, and in conclusion a fraudulent election.
Canvassers in Pima County found 62 early ballots were turned into the elections department from a home where the “voter” is not a resident. They concluded that 45% of the people surveyed did not know the person that voted from their address.
Dirty Voter Rolls And Mail-In Ballots Key Issues in Pima County Hearing
“Voter registration rolls and the need for good canvassing were a key focus of the Pima County hearing on Dec. 13 in Tucson, Arizona. Coordinated by Rep. Mark Finchem and Sen. Sonny Borelli, the hearing highlighted the need for canvassing initiatives as a way to put to rest many of the remaining questions from the 2020 election. The panel members included State Senator Sonny Borrelli, Senator Wendy Rogers, Senator Kelly Townsend, State Rep. Mark Finchem, Rep. Leo Biasiucci, Rep. Theresa Martinez, Rep. Neal Carter, and Rep. Judy Burges.”
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