Representative Mark Finchem Issues Press Release Calling for an Election Audit of Pima County, Arizona

Arizona Representative Mark Finchem, who has received President Trump’s recommendation for Secretary of State, issues a press release with The Gateway Pundit first, calling for an election audit of Pima County in Arizona.

Representative Finchem reported today the following regarding his request to audit Pima County:

Based upon a report made to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Legislature (November 2020) alleging that 35,000 fictitious votes had been inserted into the Pima County general election, and based upon additional investigation of the ballot equation files sent to the vendor that prints, packages and mails mail-in ballots to voters, and based on anomalies found in the reported returned ballots to Pima County Elections Office, I have launched a petition drive to collect 500,000 petition signatures in support of the mission to conduct an audit of the Pima County voter rolls and the election systems.

Here is the entire release below:

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