Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem Exposes the National Association of Secretaries of State for Plotting to Halt Forensic Audits

Arizona state representative Mark Finchem is exposing the National Association of Secretaries of State for plotting in a cabal to prevent future forensic audits from taking place throughout the country.

The group of secretaries of state recently convened during their annual summer meeting in Des Moines, Iowa “to create guidelines that would prevent a Maricopa-style forensic audit from ever happening again.”

The only individual who voted against these sinister recommendations was West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner. Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft abstained. Every other active secretary of state present at the meeting voted in favor of the recommendations.

According to Finchem, this shows the depth of the levels of corruption within the electoral system and demonstrate the need for individuals who fully understand the issue of systemic voter fraud to take the reins of power.

“Never in the history of the several States, or even in the history of the United States, have the People surrendered their right to fully scrutinize any election. Such scrutiny goes beyond recounts. It is the Legislature, that is the duly elected representatives of the people, who control this aspect of our consent to be governed, not Secretaries of State, who are executive branch office holders, or appointed, unelected bureaucrats. To prevent any form of audit is not the proper role of the Secretary of State, instead their role is to faithfully execute the laws that Legislature has adopted,” Finchem said in a press release.

“Because of the underlying political questions involving elections, there will always be disagreement on how to handle discrepancies. But nobody can, with a straight face, say that every election is fraud-free. It is the prerogative of a free people to hold their elected representatives accountable for the examination of election results to prove or disprove alleged discrepancies in any electoral contest. How a Legislature chooses to address those discrepancies is its prerogative, attempting to change the perception the polity is little more than manipulation,” he added.

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