Rep. Mark Finchem is proud to announce the endorsement of legendary New York City Police Commissioner Bernard B. Kerik. Working with Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Commissioner Kerik led the response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and is a famed expert on America’s national security.
Said Kerik, “I support Mark Finchem for Arizona Secretary of State. He has the integrity, the backbone, and the technical knowledge to ensure our elections are safe and secure from fraud and interference. He knows the job and he will ensure election integrity.”
MediaRightNews: Bernard Kerik Endorses Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State
Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard B. Kerik has endorsed Mark Finchem for Arizona Secretary of State. Kerik highlighted Finchem’s integrity and strength and concluded with he will ensure election integrity in a tweet posted today.
Kerik’s endorsement reads, “I support @RealMarkFinchem for #Arizona #SecretaryofState. He has the integrity, the backbone, and the technical knowledge to ensure our elections are safe and secure from fraud and interference. He knows the job and he will ensure election integrity.”
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